Satellital Imagery processing and Geological Information Systems
Information to the next level.
Satellital imagery processing + interpretation and Geological Information Systems design.
Geo Digital Imaging specializes in spectral and spatial processing of satellite images for mining exploration (greenfield or brownfield), risk management, urban and environmental geology as well as in design and implementation of Geological Information Systems.
Satellital Imagery
Hydrothermal alterations delineation
Lithological contrast for mapping
Structural interpretation
Drilling and road planning
Using advanced and proven spectral imagery processing technics, is possible to extract pathfinders and hidrothermal alteration minerals (for porphyry, epithermal, skarn, etc.), evaluate vegetation health and land use classification.
Design and implementation of Geological Information Systems
Data is the most important asset in your organization, maintain it geo-located and usable for analysis in a Geological Information System. No matter which standard GIS software are implemented in your organization (ArcGIS, MapINFO, AutoCAD Map, Oasis montaj, GRASS, QGis, etc.), Geo Digital Imaging offer you the best solution for all your needs.
Besides the design and construction of your Geological Infomation System, we train your staff in the data analysis in GIS to obtain interest areas as mineralization targets, risk areas, urbanizing areas etc.
Custom tailored packages: Tell us your project needs, a specialized team expert in Geology, Remote Sensing and GIS will design a project proposal composed by satellite imagery, processes, data and guides specially designed to reach your goals. This project could be built to be managed at any GIS or CAD software already implemented in your company.
These packages could include ready-to-use processed satellite imagery, elevation models, structural interpreted models, topography, public data, geological consulting, GIS and training on the use of the information. Everything thought to obtain inmediate results!
All products, interpretation and analysis are designed to reach your Organization's specific objectives. Contact us to obtain more information about how to raise your data to the next level!
Urbanization (city planning)
Risk management
Pre or post flooding analysis
Spatial-temporal analysis
Land use change