Aero LiDAR, digital terrain models, and topography.
Flexibility, coverage and precision.
Flexibility and resolutions for any project
Ultra-high resolution terrain models and their sub-products, just for your 2D+3D project needs.
With the newest technology, at Geo Digital we collect and process terrain and surface information to generate contour lines,
3D models, slope analysis, pluvial flood risk analysis, volumetry, structural analysis, and more.
Aero LiDAR: Ultra-high resolution and precision
DTM, DSM, and topographic contours.
With LiDAR sensors mounted on a drone, fixed-wing aircraft, or helicopter. For small, medium, or extensive coverage projects that require greater precision and resolution (contour lines from 10 cm equidistance), with precisions from 3 cm in elevation and from 4 cm horizontally. Furthermore, with this technology it is possible to obtain the first surface that allows studies of biomass, high voltage lines, constructions and more.
DTM, DSM, and contours from satellital stereo-pairs
For projects of very wide coverage which requires high precision and resolution (contours up to 50-centimeter in equidistance). The precisions of this models can be enhanced with ground control points.
High-resolution photogrammetric flights
Conventional photogrammetric flights using industrial-grade UAV's, fix-wing airplanes, or helicopters to produce digital terrain models, digital surface models, contour levels, and ultra-high-resolution and precision orthophotos.
Elevation contours from public models
Reprocessed and resampled by us from sources like SRTM2 (world wide), ASTER GDEM (world wide), USGS (US) or INEGI (Mexico), for projects of wide coverage and medium precision (contour levels up to 10-meter in equidistance).
Elevation contours with high-precision GPS, with mobile double frequency equipment, for small coverage and medium resolution.
Terrain characteristics for different applications, from urbanism to archaeological works. Geo Digital Imaging have the right solution for all of your needs.
Raster and /or vectorial surface and elevation models
With high-end technologies, Geo Digital Imaging process elevation data to offer you high quality and precision models for your projects. The delivered elevation and terrain models are compatibles with all GIS/CAD software and are derived with the coordinate system required by your organization.
Depending on the application or the project coverage, the models are built by aero-triangulation using satellite stereo-pair imagery or UAV orthophotos, without the need of fixwing or helicopter conventional flights. The coverage is worldwide and response time is very short. The model resolution is adjusted to your project and budget.
Geo Digital Imaging, derives different products from elevation or surface models for your Organization needs:
Volumetric estimation, high precision volumetry against other surfaces (mining pits, platforms, fills, and much more).
Shaded relief models, with specific filters for structural interpretation or base maps.
Slope calculation, processed specifically for terrain stability related to geological units and structures.
Flow direction determination, for a specific fluid matter.
Map fusion, digital map or images fusioning to produce 3D surface models.
Geo Digital Imaging process models from very low resolution (90-meter) to super high resolution (10-centimeter) digital terrain models.
Contact us to obtain more information about the derivated models and products.